Ok so the day of Wesley’s birthday I tried writing about him but my internet kept turning off and I continuously kept loosing everything that I wrote.. So I finally have time to do it tonight.. yayaya.. So my baby turned 2 .. It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital giving birth to our precious baby.. I had found these pictures and couldn’t believe that they were from 2 years ago.. I can remember the night that my water broke it was the night of April fools day and my sister, Mark and I were in the office in our Tipton house trying to organize everything before the baby was born. It was late and I was becoming delirious which all those who know me know that’s what happens when I become overly tired. We all began laughing sooo hard and I thought I had peed my pants. My sister thought my water had broken but yet her nor my moms water had ever broke at home so I called my cousin Becky. She 1 year before had given birth to our niece Charlie and her water had broken with her so she assured me that my water sounded like it had broke. So my sister insisted we go to the Hospital. I was still in denial because Wesley wasn’t supposed to arrive for another 2 weeks. And Chloe had a field trip to the Fresno Zoo the next day and I was a driver. So I went just to shut my sister up and Mark stayed with Chloe and Tyler because they were sleeping and I assured Mark that I would be back with a false alarm. At this point it was around 11:30 pm. We went to Kaweah Delta Hospital and after I arrived the nurse had told me that my water had in deed broken and I was dilated to a 3. I immediately called Mark and he was there within 15 min. Those of you who don’t know a normal drive from Tipton to Visalia is about 30 min. so lets just say Mark was speeding.. My Doctor “Rita Baron” came in and checked on me around 2 am and I was dilated to about a 5. My contractions were picking up and were becoming quite painful. At about 5 am I had asked for an epidural and felt sooo much better. At about 8:15 am I was dilated to a 8 so my doctor told me she was going to go to her office to see some patients.. I started freaking out because I thought there was no way she would make it back when it would be time. At about 9:00 am I was fully dilated and ready to push, they called my doctor and she was there in what seemed like seconds to me.. I was shocked. From that point on it was a piece of cake.. I really truly enjoyed delivery… as creepy as that sounds. I only wanted Mark and I in the room but I quickly changed my mind when Mark wasn’t the greatest coach in the world ( So much for our birthing classes) My sister Bobbie came in to help hold my head. I had learned that motherhood can quickly change your mind.. I had continuously told Rita that when I finally delivered Wesley that I would want him to be washed before she gave him to me. I can remember that final push.. All I ever kept saying was I just want to hear that cry.. The second after that final push he began crying and all I could think or say was give me my baby… (The whole wash him first thing went straight out the door) I just wanted to hold my baby. And he was and is the most beautiful baby I had ever seem. (I mean he wasn’t the cutest new born after a while looking back) but then that’s all I could think of. Mark and I began crying just staring at this little miracle that we had brought into this world. We knew at that moment that this precious little baby would continuously bring us such great joy and love throughout our lives and he does everyday and will continue on forever. He has changed our lives in so many ways.. He is such a fun and loving little boy who loves his family. Everyday is a new and exciting day with him. Now that he is 2 I look back at all the new things that he has done throughout the year. He loves Finding nemo and the movie Cars. He loves the Go Go’s (cars) he has begun talking so much lately he has learned his manners and knows when to say please and thank you. He loves to say his prayers after reading his good night story. He closes his eyes and folds his arms and truly talks to his father in Heaven. He has such a wonderful spirit and loves church. He loves going to nursery ( although the first 4 weeks weren’t easy) but he loves learning of Jesus. He loves money.. Mark and I have a money jar for his mission fund so he can be aware of how to save.. and every morning he asks Daddy for “Money” its adorable. He loves his cousins when he’s not around them that’s all he can talk about. He talks all the time about school.. he cant wait to go. He loves to play Ball Ball (that’s baseball) he say’s “Hey batter batter batter” its so cute. He loves his silky blanket He cant sleep without it. He loves and I mean loves to dance to music.. any kind just anything with a beat and the cutest thing is when he tries singing along and his newest trick is his attempt to snap. His cousin Chloe says “He’s the best dancer ever”. He loves his morning show “Word World” on PBS and he says “Word wooold” its cute. He loves trying to put on his shoes. He recently has begun going potty in the big boy potty and loves it.(for now although he’s not a fan of the poo-poo) He loves his dog Mickey or as he says “Kickie” He loves his daddy’s hats and shoes and mommy’s shoes as well. He loves to “Go-Go” and when we do he hates the car and his carseat. He gets so confused of who his “Gamma’s and Gandpa’s” are.. Although with the amount that he has I don’t blame him. He currently hates his crib and is petrified of it.He loves his "dippy" which means sippy he always has loved drinking but it still continues.. it even begins first thing in the morning with "Daddy" or "Mommy" "dippy? we love it. He loves large bodies of water and I have a feeling this summer is going to be a fun one with the pool (although I need to get him into swim lessons). He loves to scream when I go anywhere that he doesn’t agree with (which is just about everywhere) He loves “Gandi” ( Which means candy) and now loves “Gunnya” (which means gum) The most amazing thing to me is that every day he wakes up like his dad happy and so blessed to be here on earth. He is so happy and full of life he truly is an amazing little boy. Every day is a new and exciting day (I am not saying he isn’t naughty at times) but he truly is the greatest gift Mark and I could have ever asked for. And everyday we truly thank our father in heaven for choosing us as his parents here on earth. Wesley we love you more then you will ever know and hope that you had a great 2nd birthday and are looking forward to a lifetime of them.
Mommy and Daddy