Monday, March 9, 2009
Our New Swing Set

The Morris Family donated there old swing set to us.. they said there kids didnt play with it much any more so they let us have it.. Not to mention it came with free labor too... Mark, Elton and Lance.. Took 4 hours on saterday take it down and set it up in our back yard.. They are so great.. The kids love it though...Its the greatest thing ever.. Thanks to the Morris's.
Monday, March 2, 2009
My Wonderful Husband

I would just like to take a minute and Brag about my Husband... Over 5 years ago I knew that this man was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.. he was the sweetest most giving, caring man I had ever met. Now at this stage in our life I just can't believe how lucky I am that I made the right choice.. Mark and I have had a lot of changes in our lives since we have been married.. Mark had Gastric Bypass Surgery and has now sucessfully lost over 200lbs., we have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Mark has taken over the responsibility of the Ranch and I have the secretary work, and we have purchased a new to us home. I will tell you this nothing about Mark has changed in the inside except his self esteem which is a wonderful thing to have and that has made him such an amazing man. He loves to excersise now(a little too much) he comes home from work and sometimes stays up longer then me. He just feels good about himself and should... If I might say My Husband is a stud.. and not only because he looks great but he is great.. He is my best friend and is always there for me. He is a wonderful dad.. even though he puts our son to bed in a "Can you Smell my Exaust" onsie, he loves his son and he loves me and not a day goes by that he doesnt tell us that.. So I would like to Post how much of an amazing man my husband is and I dont know what I would do without him.
My Baby is getting soo big..

Why do kids grow so fast.. Wesley being my 1st baby seems like he grows every second.. I wish he would stop.. before we know it in 1 month he will be 1... sadly I went and took pictures of him today out in the Almond trees for his 1st Birthday Party invite.. he is having a John Deere Birthday... It just makes me sad to see the stages of his life go by so quickly.. I know there are fun and sweetier times ahead but I just wish they would come at a slower pace...
Dad's Babysitting Job

So Thursday Night I went out to Dinner with some friends for Becky Brown's Birthday.. I left Mark in charge of taking care of Wesley... which he is a great dad I have 150 percent trust... I came home that night to my baby asleep in his crib.. I went to kiss him good night when it felt like all he was wearing was a onsie.. I felt closer and he had a onsie and sweat pants on.. I asked Mark Why he chose that instead of PJ's when he informed me that he put Wesley in what he wanted to wear... I woke up the next morning to this.... Mark when Wesley was born had bought him these onsies one that read "Can you Smell my Exaust" and another that read "Can't wait to Ride". If you know me... I would'nt take Wes out wearing something like that unless we were at the Dunes... Well so Mark was dieing to have wes wear that onsie.. so sure enough found it and slipped it on.... How cute is that...
My Funny Boy

So there is a lot to explain about these pictures.. Wesley loved trying to grab at his food.. so I decided why ot just put him in a diaper and pour some berry granola gerber baby food and some pears for the small motor skills and let him have fun... Fun does'nt decribe what Wesley was doing.. He was laughing sooo hard I almost peed my pants.. He loved splashing and playing with his food... It was quite the clean up but it was worth it..
The BIG BOY...

Tyler's First Tooth
The Little Boy who Crawls....

Wesley began crawling January 14th. And boy is it a funnycrawl.. as Heather Morris would say he crawls like a bug with a broken leg... Well ive learned fast that as soon as your baby begins to master crawling... well you just cant keep your eyes off of them... Wesley has discovered the snack drawer and the junk drawers and he loves it... What funnier then to pull all the snacks out and play with them all over the floor... Lets just say with fun comes pain... Wesley hasnt learned quite just yet that you cant close the drawer with your fingers in it...opppsss
Tulare Open House

After a lot of preparation.. The day was here... Mark and I had to get our house all ready for matt and brenna's Open House at our home... They were at the coast house on there honeymoon and drove down that night.. It was fun and we were among a ton of family and friends.. But thank heaven its all over.. hahaha.. I mean that in a good way..
The Utah Reception

The Recreption was beautiful... We saw so many old time family and friends... that was nice to see again and catch up... Jeremy bought all the boys chocolate Cigars.. sooo sweet.. and Mark just loved eating it in the end.. Wesley threw up all over him self and ended up in a onsie.. He loved Jerry and Heather's boys sooo much.. he just couldnt get enough of them...

Matt's Wedding in Utah

Our Trip to Utah to share Matt and Brenna's Special day started out with Brenna's Bridal shower.. Wesley couldn't keep his eyes off his soon to be Aunt Brenna. The Morning before Matts Big day we went to the best Breakfast place ever... YUMMMM... Brenna was a beautiful Bride... We were able to help her get ready once before pictures... and wow she looked soo pretty.. It was freazing cold but they were both champs.. What a day to remember..
The Bahamas..

Wow we actually went on a vacation where you could see through the water.. it was sooo much fun... The Disney Cruise is the only way to gooo... Forget those stupid Mexican cruises.. Disney is such a great family Fun.. First we went to Atlantis... which was really fun to walk through... then we stopped at Disney's private Island.. wow.. it was a blast.. Wesley loved Eating the sand and all the white shells... and we even went on a family bike ride around the island... Welsey really was only able to see Mark's butt but it was fun...
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